Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
224 lines
// IFF 8SVX file handling routines - no stereo yet..
// ===============================================================
// LoadSample() - return new handle
// - Allocate handle, open file & fill in handle structure
// - Read in the sample (or part of it if too long) into buffers
// ===============================================================
struct myhandle *loadsample (char *filename, struct base *bs)
struct myhandle *h = NULL;
LONG hd;
BOOL okflag = 0;
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
DOSBase=bs->dosbase; SysBase=bs->sysbase;
if (!(h = (struct myhandle *)AllocVec(sizeof(struct myhandle), CLEANMEM)))
{ PutStr ("No memory!\n");
return (NULL);
strcpy (h->path, filename);
h->bs = bs;
// open file
if (!(h->fp = Open (filename, MODE_OLDFILE)))
{ PrintFault(IoErr(), NULL);
goto abort;
// check file & get "FORM" length
FRead (h->fp, &hd, 4, 1);
if (hd != ID_FORM)
{ PutStr ("Not and IFF file!\n");
goto abort;
Seek (h->fp, 4, OFFSET_CURRENT); // skip length
// check if it's an 8SVX
FRead (h->fp, &hd, 4, 1);
if (hd != ID_8SVX)
{ PutStr ("Not and 8SVX file!\n");
goto abort;
// read header structure VHDR
if ((getchunk (ID_VHDR, h->fp, DOSBase, SysBase)) <= 0)
goto abort;
FRead (h->fp, &h->vh, sizeof(struct VoiceHeader), 1);
// goto data
if ((h->bodylength = getchunk (ID_BODY, h->fp, DOSBase, SysBase)) <= 0)
goto abort;
// store start of data position
h->bodystart = Seek (h->fp, 0, OFFSET_CURRENT);
// ---------- read in data..
// if it's a short sample, get it & close the file
if (h->bodylength <= BUFFER_SIZE)
h->buffsize = h->bodylength;
h->buff1 = (UBYTE *)AllocVec(h->buffsize + 6, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR);
if (!(h->buff1))
{ PutStr ("No memory!\n");
goto abort;
if ((Read (h->fp, h->buff1, h->buffsize)) != h->buffsize)
{ PutStr ("Read error!\n");
goto abort;
Close (h->fp); h->fp = NULL;
else // long sample - use double buffering
h->buffsize = BUFFER_SIZE / 2;
h->buff1 = (UBYTE *)AllocVec(h->buffsize + 6, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR);
h->buff2 = (UBYTE *)AllocVec(h->buffsize + 6, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR);
if (!(h->buff1) || !(h->buff2))
{ PutStr ("No memory!\n");
goto abort;
if ((Read (h->fp, h->buff1, h->buffsize)) == h->buffsize)
{ if ((Read (h->fp, h->buff2, h->buffsize)) == h->buffsize)
okflag = 1;
if (!okflag) goto abort;
// do not close file
// structure filled ok..
h->next = NULL;
return (h);
if (h) freehandle (h);
Printf ("Error parsing file %s\n", filename);
return (NULL);
// ===============================================================
// getchunk()
// look for named chunk, return it's length or -1
// file ptr is advanced to after the size - i.e. start of data
// ===============================================================
LONG getchunk (LONG head, BPTR fp,
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase, struct ExecBase *SysBase)
LONG hd;
BOOL flag = FALSE;
LONG skip, length = -1; // default: return -1
// read header:
while (!flag && (FRead (fp, &hd, 4, 1) == 1))
// Have we found the right chunk?
if (hd == head)
{ // yes..
if ((FRead (fp, &length, 4, 1)) == 1)
return (length);
return (-1L);
// otherwise move forward..
if ((FRead (fp, &skip, 4, 1)) == 1)
Seek (fp, skip, OFFSET_CURRENT);
else ++flag;
return (-1L);
// ===============================================================
// initialise loaded sample - set speed etc
// ===============================================================
void initsample (struct myhandle *h, char *alias, struct base *bs)
struct myhandle *hh;
if (!h) return;
h->speed = bs->clock / h->vh.vh_SamplesPerSec;
h->volume = h->vh.vh_Volume / 1024;
h->times = 1;
stccpy (h->alias, alias, 35);
// Printf ("=================\n", NULL);
// Printf ("OneShot=%ld - Repeat=%ld\n", (LONG)h->vh.vh_OneShotHiSamples, (LONG)h->vh.vh_RepeatHiSamples);
// Printf ("Volume=%ld - Speed=%ld\n", h->volume, h->speed);
// link handle
if (!bs->toph) bs->toph = h;
{ for (hh=bs->toph; hh->next; hh = hh->next);
hh->next = h;
// ===============================================================
// reload sample
// ===============================================================
BOOL reload (struct myhandle *h)
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
DOSBase=h->bs->dosbase; SysBase=h->bs->sysbase;
if (!h || !h->fp) return (0);
Seek (h->fp, h->bodystart, OFFSET_BEGINNING);
if ((Read (h->fp, h->buff1, h->buffsize)) == h->buffsize)
{ if ((Read (h->fp, h->buff2, h->buffsize)) == h->buffsize)
return (1);
PutStr ("Error reading file!\n");
return (0);
// ===============================================================
// freehandle()
// free handle , close file etc..
// ===============================================================
void freehandle (struct myhandle *h)
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
DOSBase=h->bs->dosbase; SysBase=h->bs->sysbase;
if (h)
{ if (h->buff1) FreeVec (h->buff1);
if (h->buff2) FreeVec (h->buff2);
if (h->fp) Close (h->fp);
FreeVec (h);
// ===============================================================
// remlink()
// unlink sample, ready to free it..
// ===============================================================
void remlink (struct myhandle *h)
struct base *bs;
struct myhandle *hh;
if (!h) return;
bs = h->bs;
if (h == bs->toph)
bs->toph = bs->toph->next;
{ hh = bs->toph;
while (hh && (hh->next != h)) hh = hh->next;
if (hh) hh->next = h->next;
h->next = NULL;